Explanarion of the illiteracy of actions by Sheikh Yahya Faruq Chedi, a descriptive and analytical study

Talha Zaria Tounes

Amin KannoCollege of Sharia and Law Studies –Kanno Nigeria

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/lang.7.2.3

Keywords: illiterate, Explanarion, curriculum


This is a research with titled: "Explanarion of the illiteracy of actions by Sheikh Yahya Faruq Chedi, a descriptive and analytical study". The research contains Introduction, three topics and a conclusion. The first topic was about Sheikh Yahya Faruq Chedi's personal and scientific life, and introduced his explanation to the illiterate actions in the second topic. Then the third topic is a explanations in the curriculum, sources, evidence. The research has been concluded with results of the research, and recommendations. Praise be to Allah, the chorister and sustainer of the worlds.