(The concept of nihilism and its reflection in Kurdish poetry of Sorani dialect)( Hashim Saraj )for example

Shwana Noori Abdullah

Department of History, College of Humanities, Halabja University, Halabja

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/Lang.8.3.10

Keywords: nihilism, Kurdish poetry, Modern, asceticism, Hashim Saraj


The current research is an attempt to interpret the concept of nihilism from the ancient Greek era to the postmodern era from different perspectives. The study sheds light on nihilism from the perspectives of ancient Greek philosophy and the western world in general and the reflections of modern philosopher Schopenhauer on this topic. The research describes and explains the reflection of nihilism in kurdish classic, modern, and postmodern poetry. The purpose of the study is also to show the differences and similarities of nihilism from Western perspective to the Middle Eastern perspective by referencing several poets. It is a fact that this context is more influenced by social norms, religious beliefs, and culture. The study also analyses the poems of Hashim Saraj as a modern poet. As a poet, Saraj is influenced by the intellectual waves of enlightenment movement. Although he has a large number of poems about pessimism and despair, he could not neglect the impacts of his culture in his poetry. However, Sarah's pessimism is to reflect a positive aspect rather than a negative one.



Sarchwa Ba zmani Kurdi:


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Sarchawakan ba zmani Arabi


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سەرچاوەکان بەزمانى فارسى:Sarchawa Farsiya kan


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