The implicitly linked explanatory sentence and its patterns in the Holy Qur’an

Salam Abdul Jassim Al-Jubouri

Tikrit University - College of Basic Education / Al-Shirqat


Keywords: sentence, explanatory, implicitly, associated, grammarians, Its patterns


(The sentence in general) - compared to the singular - has not received the attention of scholars, past and present, and as for the implicitly linked explanatory sentence in particular, no studies have been singled out for it - to the best of my knowledge - that do it justice in detail and explanation, coupled with its evidence and examples. So I spoke to myself, determined to enter this field with a study. I think it will give a clear picture - or almost - of this type of sentence in the context of the Holy Qur’an, and I labeled it (the implicitly linked explanatory sentence and its examples in the Holy Qur’an), and I ask God for success and guidance in words and deeds.


المصادر والمراجع

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