Mental processes and understanding of text structure

Awat Ahmad Mohammed Saleh

Saladin University

Abdulwahid Mushier Mahmoud Dizayee

Saladin University


Keywords: Mental Operations, Text-Discourse, newro Pragmatics


The title of the research is (Mental processes and understanding of text structure) Mental processes are the events that go on in the brain from the time stimuli enter until the moment decisions are made and reactions to stimuli. We understand linguistic expressions in some way every day without realizing how this process is done. In understanding the text, the reader seeks to understand the intention of the sender, and this process is done in the mind. It depends on the individual's ability and scientific background Every individual is governed by the mind and our thoughts are evaluated by the mind, and the mind controls our decisions, so understanding this process expands our horizons of thinking and saves us from many problems. In this article, it is assumed that the area responsible for understanding plays a role in understanding, so our understandings will be different in the text. The second part is about the brain and understanding the text in a practical way with the conclusion and summary of the discussion in Arabic and English.


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