Political Satire in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Death Constant Beyond Love"

Afaf Hafedh Shakir Darraji

Department of English, College of Education, University of Samarra

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/jls.4.2.1

Keywords: -"Death Constant Beyond Love", Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Feminism, magic realism, capitalism, political satire, intertextuality


Political satire has been invested in many forms such as cartoon, caricature, allusion, and T.V. shows. However, literature is one of the major domains the writers have invested in to criticize the wrongs and follies of the authority. The paper hypothesizes that Gabriel Garcia Marquez attempts to present a feminist presentation of the theme of political satire and to attain his goal he employs postmodernist techniques in his short story, "Death Constant Beyond Love". It aims at validating the hypothesis by following the postmodernist approach and character-analysis approach. It starts with an introduction to the subject and the writer. A discussion occurs followed by the conclusion that sums up the findings of the analysis.