History of Satire in Kurdish Literature From the early period to the beginning of the twentieth century

Karwan Saleem Qaitaran

Universty of Raparin _College of Education

Muhammad dler Amin Muhammad

University of Sulaimaniah _College of language

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/jls.

Keywords: Satire, lampoon, facetiae, history of Kurdish literature, satire theories


Whenever the history of Kurdish literature is discussed, especially from the early periods to the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, most of the thoughts and signs go directly to Sufism, heavenly and earthly love. Little has been said that a satirical aspect mixed with lampoon and facetiae forms an important part of this literature. From this perspective, as an important part of the history of our ancient literature also the forgotten history of satirical literature at this stage, this subject became of interest to us. Satire itself as a significant and widespread literary subject attracted the attention of the poets and writers throughout the ages. Accordingly, satire has been integrated to all the other fields like psychology, sociology, politics, religion, etc. Thus, they used satire as a means to integrate these fields into their literary works as well. The research is entitled (History of Satire in Kurdish Literature from the early period to the beginning of the twentieth century). It aims to be a new statement in this field that was previously underestimated and rarely researched. The research is divided into two chapters. The first chapter describes the terms and concepts related to satire, as well as the theories. The second chapter, which includes two sections, is dedicated to the history of satire. In the first section the history of satire in the Western literature and Eastern Islamic literature (Arabic and Persian) is tackled. The second section is about the history of satire in Kurdish literature from the early period to the beginning of the twentieth century. The research ends with the conclusions and the list of references.