Sensory Beauty and Its Manifestations in the Poetry of the Naqa'id Poets The Woman as a Mode
Munira Nashat Nouraddin
Salahaddin University
Nawzad Shukur Ismael
Salahaddin University
Keywords: Beauty, Sensory, Woman, Introductions, Love Poetry
This study, titled (Sensory Beauty and Its Manifestations in the Poetry of the Naqa'id Poets – The Woman as a Model), aims to highlight the aesthetic quality of women as represented by their sensory beauty in the poetry of Jarir, Al-Farazdaq, and Al-Akhtal. These poets often explored this type of beauty in the introductions of their poems, which were traditionally conventional. They elaborated on describing women and celebrating their sensory beauty—albeit with variations among them—and delved into the intricate details of this beauty, pausing at its prominent features. They crafted artistic depictions that intertwined the beauty of language with the beauty of the woman, whom they used as a prelude to expressing their subsequent themes. This study focuses on the similarities and differences among the three poets in their sensory depiction of women.
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