The effect of using the information gap on the achievement of third-year middle school students in the Arabic grammar subject
Nour Firas Abdul Karim Shabib
Tikrit University, College of Education for Girls / Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences
Keywords: information gap , achievement, of third-year middle school, Arabic grammar subject
The study aimed to identify the effect of the information gap strategy on the achievement of third-year middle school students in Arabic grammar. After presenting the research results, it was found that the experimental group students who studied Arabic grammar according to the (information gap) strategy outperformed the control group students who studied according to the traditional method. The reason for this superiority may be due to several reasons, including.
- The reason for the superiority of the students of the experimental group who studied according to the (information gap) strategy may be due to the fact that it is one of the modern strategies that are not familiar to female students in teaching Arabic grammar, and this strategy may be successful when applied.
- The (information gap) strategies make the student the main focus of the educational process and also make the student able to implement activities in a scientific manner, which makes the learning process for the student enjoyable and thus increases their motivation towards learning, which increases their academic achievement.
- In light of the results, the researcher recommended the following:
1. The necessity of the Ministry of Education institutions to generalize the use of active learning strategies, including the (information gap) strategy, and to train teachers on how to use the strategy.
2. The necessity of informing Arabic grammar teachers, educational supervisors and specialists on the use of the (information gap) strategy in teaching.
3. Social subjects teachers should be trained to use the (information gap) strategy and not to limit themselves to teaching methods that depend on indoctrination and memorization.
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