Manichaeism in John Steinbeck’s East of Eden

Shaima’ Abdullah Jasim

College of Education for Humanities, University of Tikrit


Keywords: -Manichaeism -Eden - evil - good.


Theories from all fields of knowledge affected the English novel
directly or indirectly. This genre has become a platform of all concepts
created through the other fields of knowledge. Manichaeism is a
religious movement which believed in the association between darkness
and evil, light and good. It will be noticed that they deal with the
everlasting struggle between good and evil. This doctrine of light-good
and dark-evil was the major dogma in Manichaeism.
Although Manichaeism died out, its belief in the fight between good and
evil can be detected in mostly all English novels. This study inspects
Manichaeism in John Steinbeck's East of Eden. In spite of being extinct,
its doctrine highlights this principal theme in all literary works.