Reflections of Bullying on Children's Personality in R. J. Palacio's "Wonder” Novel: Psychologically and Socially

Majeed Hammadi Khalifa

English Department, College of Education for Women, Tikrit University


Keywords: self-realization, Bullying, reflection, Children's personality, and wonder


This study investigates the theme of bullying and its influence on Children's personality development as used in R.J. Palacio's bestselling novel "Wonder". Palacio is a well-known novelist with a keen interest in children's literature, especially those addressing congenital deformities and their psychological and social issues. This research utilises a social and psychological reading of the "Wonder" novel, discusses Palacio’s attempts to portray the suffering of individuals with congenital deformities due to bullying, and challenges the societal view of performance self-realization through the concept of Olweus. The "Wonder" novel is a mirror for these children, reflecting the psychological crises they go through in society and at the same time presenting a picture of how to deal with them in a systematic way, enabling them to become influential members of society. The purpose of this study is to motivate tolerance of oneself and others. Additionally, it argues bullying through the lens of Olweus and the various forms of discrimination that the protagonist experiences. Additionally, it employs qualitative methods of analysis to focus on Palacio's recommendations for dealing with bullying and learning to accept oneself in society. As a result, it summarizes the key points made throughout the article and examines how this social and psychological critique of those with special needs has affected and constrained how we read the novel "Wonder."


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