The Effect of (DRTA) Strategy on Iraqi EFL Students' Text Comprehension Achievement
Maqbola Mohammed Rajab
General Directorate of Salahudin Education/ AL-Dour Education Department
Nagham Qadoory Yahya
University of Tikrit / College of Education for Human Science /Department of English
Keywords: Direct Reading Thinking Activity Strategy, reading comprehension
This study aims at finding out the effect of Direct Reading Thinking Activity(DRTA) on EFL students' achievement in reading comprehension (RC). To achieve the aim of the study, a quasi-experimental nonrandomized control group, pretest-posttest design is employed. Two groups are randomly selected from the fifth preparatory grade in AL-Dour Preparatory School for Boys for the academic year (2021-2022) to represent the sample of the study which conclude (75) students. The two groups (each group consists of 30 students) are submitted to the same pretest in RC to ensure equivalence among groups. Then the first group is taught according to(DRTA) strategy, whereas the first group is taught according to (DRTA) strategy and the second is taught according to the conventional method. After achieving the validity of the test, a pilot study is conducted to (50) students of the fifth preparatory stage /AL-Kastal Preparatory School for Boys. Then the two groups are subjected to the same achievement post-test in RC. The data are analyzed statistically by using ANOVA. The results suggest that there are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in achievement post-tests of RC, in favor of the experimental group. The results also show that the second group taught according to (DRTA) strategy is better than the first group taught according to conventional method.
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