The Concept of cooperating Dialogue in Imam Al-Ghazali
Huda Salah Rashid
Tikrit University - Department of Arabic Language
Numan Muhammad Aziz
Tikrit University - Department of Arabic Language
Aisha Mohammed Othman
Imam Mahdi University
Keywords: verabal action, dialogue cooperation, verabal exchange
The concept of cooperating dialogic is the most important one in which the theory of verbal acts relies, and this concept for Grace constitutes the backbone of verbal activity, as it enables interlocutors to ensure uninterrupted communication, so each part of the discourse admits to itself and to others the right to take turn of speaking, and perhaps the lack of understanding between the interlocutors is due to the absence of that mutual recognition from the beginning. We note that this concept and its ramifications acquire a social and moral dimension, as it helps in the organic control of social relations, as we find that the tyranny of private interests among the interlocutors may expose this concept to danger. We have noticed that this concept, which is said by the Western modernists, has its origins rooted in the Arabs since ancient times, so we dealt with the study of Imam Al-Ghazali, revealing Imam Al-Ghazali’s knowledge of his reliance on it in explaining human relations with each other and organizing society based on this concept.