A Semantic Analysis of Infinitive and Gerund

Hashim Saadoon Saleem

Department of English, College of Education, Tikrit University

Prof Ali Sulaiman I. Al-Dulaimi

Department of Translation, College of Arts, Tikrit University

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/jls.4.1.1

Keywords: -infinitive - clause - gerund - position - subject


Infinitive and gerund have a semantic duty as nouns. In other words, they have the function of nouns though their forms are basically taken from verbs. Infinitive and gerund forms can be used following adjectives and other verbs. Gerunds, however, can exist after prepositions and other expressions. A gerund is derived from verbs by adding (-ing) at the end. It is worth mentioning that there are words that end with the (-ing) inflection, but they are not gerunds. The infinitive form (simple form of the verb) is either preceded by (to) or it is bare (to-less-infinitive) which is known in the grammar as zero infinitive.