Internet Chat as ‘Jargon’

Nooriddin S. Khalifa

Kikuk Unversity, College of Basic Education


Keywords: -The Reference - Chat -Chat room -Dialect -Euphemism -Jargon


The process of net communication, which is internet dependent, takes place among millions of individual (private) or group of participants sharing the same room in order to comment, discuss, or pass time .While the communicators are of different countries, cultures, backgrounds, and languages they exchange their thoughts and linguistic messages throughout this experience which is termed as “Internet Chatting”.
The researcher presents the definition of “Jargon” and “Chatting” in addition to the related terms .He submits the structure of morphemes / words, phrases , and sentences in chatting in addition to how the chatters manipulate parts of words, abbreviations, numerals, emoticons…etc. in order to carry out this experience. The researcher, after analyzing the presented examples in the obtained data, concludes that the chatting process can be regarded as a sort of ‘Jargon’. Thus the hypothesis of the study is affirmed.