Criticism of Poetic Flaws in Early Islamic Poets
Wissam Sabah Dhari Saleh
Ministry of Education, Iraq / General Directorate of Salah al-Din Education
Keywords: Defects of the meanings of poetry, Poets of the early Islamic era, padding, underlining
The aim of the research was to show the criticisms of the defects of the meanings of poetry in the poets of the early Islamic era. We discussed the defects of meanings and styles in some of its poets, such as violating custom, and misinterpreting and contradicting the meaning. And the defects of wording and meter, such as: padding, notching, tailing, and change, with the presentation of poetic evidence attributed to their collections, and discussing the critics' statements in this regard. The poets of the early Islamic era were influenced by their religion, which was reflected in their vocabulary and the meanings in their poems. The poets of the early Islamic era fell into some of the poetic criticisms that their predecessors of the poets of the pre-Islamic era fell into, such as defects of wording and meter. Violating custom is based on the poet not following his predecessors in what they agreed upon of traditions of harmony of the meanings of words, such as the contradiction between colors or the connotations of words, which was found in many places among the poets of the early Islamic era. However, it is to the credit of the ancient critics that they were not biased or inclined to find fault with poets, but rather they sought excuses whenever possible, which the researcher agrees on in some places, such as the corruption of interpretation and others. The contradiction of meaning depended on bringing something and its opposite, which reduces the sincerity of expression and leads to semantic conflict between words, which is a successful approach from critics in which the poets of the early Islamic era and their predecessors agreed in terms of accuracy and error. Likewise, the padding among the poets of the early Islamic era depended on bringing a word that was not needed in the verse, and the underlining depends on the poet reducing some letters of the word; in order to control the meter, which some considered a defect in some of the poems of eloquent Arabs, which indicates that the poets of the early Islamic era fell into it as others did. The underlining is the addition of letters in the word, while the change is based on converting them to structures close to their original structures, and the two approaches meet in changing the structure of the word.
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