Students' Beliefs of Integrating Translation with Communicative Language Teaching Approach

Arwa Harith Hasan

College of Arts, Mustansiriyah University


Keywords: Students' Beliefs, Translation, Communicative Language Teaching Approach


Based on the premise that old ideas never die, translation strategies are rooted in the ancient teaching approach, the Grammar Translation Method. This study aims to reveal the university students' beliefs regarding translation as a strategy for achieving success in the learning process, considering variables such as gender (males and females) and colleges (Arts / Basic Education). The study's design is quantitative, collecting data via a questionnaire adopted from Liao (2006). The participants were 200 male and female students from the College of Arts and College of Basic Education from Mustansiriyah University. The results revealed that the students have positive beliefs toward using translation in learning materials in English language, also there is a statistically significant difference between male and female students' beliefs regarding using translation as a strategy to learn English, favoring female students. Additionally, there is no significant difference between students from the College of Arts and the College of Basic Education beliefs in integrating translation strategies with (CLT) Communicative Language Teaching approach . In light of the results, translation strategies have proven to be an effective positive factor influencing the learning of the English language. Despite current instructional approaches that discourage using the first language in learning a foreign language, students still strongly believe that their success is due to using translation, even if it is limited to autonomous learning outside the classroom. Male and female students at both colleges strongly believe in the role of translation in supporting, facilitating, and enhancing learning, including memorizing vocabulary, understanding sentence structure, and reducing anxiety.


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