The Inner Conflict in the Poetry of the Knights of the Pre-Islamic Era
Rafel Ahmed Ali
Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women
Liqaa Nozha Suleiman
Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women
Keywords: Internal conflict, Antarah, Urwah ibn al-Ward, Qais ibn al-Khaym, Amer ibn al-Tufayl
The poetry of the knights serves as a mirror reflecting the contradictions of the human soul and its diverse aspirations in a world filled with challenges and conflicts. One of the most significant of these is inner conflict, which plays a central role in their poetry, revealing the contrast between their thoughts and values This is evident in the knights discussed in this study: ‘Urwah ibn al-Ward focuses on collective rights, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and cooperation within the tribe to achieve justice and equality. In contrast, ‘Antarah ibn Shaddad expresses his individual struggles, stemming from the social isolation imposed upon him by his unique circumstances. This leads him to reflect on the meanings of courage and personal dignity. Qays ibn al-Khatim seeks to establish his social identity through pride and self-assertion, expressing his emotions and thoughts in a manner that reflects his desire for a distinguished status in his community. Meanwhile, ‘Amir ibn al-Tufayl, despite his leadership of his tribe, hints at internal struggles hidden behind a façade of pride, reflecting his personal contradictions between his responsibilities as a leader and his inner emotions. Each of these poets expressed the theme of loss through a distinct objective correlative: for ‘Antarah, it was courage; for ‘Urwah, it was solidarity and cooperation, while for others, it manifested as pride and self-glorification.
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