Problems of Translating Exception in The Noble Quran into English

Rabah Abdullah Ali Al-Dhuwaif

College of Arts - University of Mosul

Yasir Younis Al-Badrany

College of Arts - University of Mosul


Keywords: Translating Exception, The Noble Quran, English


The present paper deals with the translation of exception in the Noble Quran syntactically and rhetorically. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the various translation techniques that are employed to convey the varied stylistic and semantic translations of "exception" in the Noble Quran are adequate or not. The goal was accomplished by determining the various definitions of exception in the Arabic and English languages. Then, determining if each translation method—semantic or stylistic—was adequate for expressing each type of meaning. Several Qur'anic verses were selected, and their various translations were compared with the original text. There are several particles that are used to express exception such as "Illa إلّا ", "Gayr "غير, "Khala خلا'', "Ada "عدا, "Hasha حاشا", "Laysa ليس" and other particles that vary from one grammarian to another. The two particles "Illa إلّا " and "Gayr "غيرare the major ones, so they will be tackled in this paper. The study hypothesizes that exception particles are not restricted to lexical meanings only, but they also express rhetorical meanings. Nida's equivalence model is adopted in this study to assess the appropriateness of the translation. It is clear that exception particles serve multiple purposes in Arabic; as a result, translators view them as an obstacle to finding the appropriate translation for their English renditions.



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