Exploring the Human Psyche in the Literature of Ibn al-Muqaffa': An Analytical Model Based on "Al-Adab al-Kabir" and "Al-Adab al-Saghir

Hussein Ahmed Abawi

Department of Arabic Language/ College of Basic Education / Telafer University

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/Lang.8.9.1

Keywords: Ibn al-Muqaffa, The talk, Psyche, Saying Exploring the Human Psyche in the Literature of Ibn al-Muqaffa, An Analytical Model Based on, "Al-Adab al-Kabir" and "Al-Adab al-Saghir


This research aims to shed light on Ibn al-Muqaffa's book (d. 142 AH) "Al-Adab al-Kabir and Al-Adab al-Saghir" for several critical reasons that highlight its significance and tempt study. This work is considered one of the creative models that carry unique artistic values, demonstrating the author's ability to depict his personal inclinations and emotional turmoil in response to his surroundings, particularly concerning human behavior in society and his relationship with those in power.

To achieve this aim, we have examined the human psyche according to the language presented in these texts as expressions of the author's self and the emotions and thoughts that stimulate his creative activity. This activity manifests as a result of embodying his concerns and sufferings in a realistic translation stemming from continuous psychological moments.

The importance of this research lies in uncovering Ibn al-Muqaffa's active role in exploring the human psyche and the expressive mechanisms he employed to achieve the influential message of literature. This is reflected in the connection between literature—as a means of educating and refining the self—and reality


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