The meaning of the verb (taaf) and its derivatives in the Qur’anic context
Alia Bassem Najm Al- Rubaie
Tikrit University – College of Literature
Naglaa Abdel Hussein AliWi Al- Mohammadawi
Tikrit University
Keywords: Al- Mubarrad, Poetry, Language, the Holy Quran, References
Islam is the most important event in the history of the Arabs, as it brought new ideas, principles, and values, and brought about a radical change to many of the pre-Islamic beliefs that contradicted the sublime Islamic call to lay the foundations and rules of a new life based on truth, justice, and equality. The sublime principles and rulings of the Qur’an spread throughout society to regulate man’s relationship with God and human relationships. People among themselves, to raise man and society to broad horizons of spiritual, social, human and mental values. The Holy Qur’an was taught in mosques, and naturally this development was reflected in poetry and prose.
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