The human translation and the electronic translation , An applied compartive study of selected Hebrew poetic texts

Wisam Abd Al-Satar Dawah

University of Baghdad / College of Languages


Keywords: Translation, Human Translation, Electronic Translation, Poetry Texts, Applied Study


This research study with an important translation aspect: the relationship between human translation and electronic translation. which included different titles starting with the topic of translation, in which we touched an overview of translation and the definition of translation in the modern context as referring to a linguistic act or transferring meaning from one language to another within the language itself and the most important problems facing the translator, Then we touched on the definition of electronic translation, which is the machine translation of content from one language to another without human hands, the definition of computer and the language of the machine. And we concluded our research with a comparative applied study of selected Hebrew poetry texts where we produced models of Hebrew poetry texts with mention of human translation and electronic translation of poetry texts, We pointed to the degree of similarity between human and machine translation, as well as the proposed translation of poetry texts .


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