The Spoken Hebrew Language A Linguistic Study According to Selected Phonological and Morphological Aspects

Saad Abd Al-Sada Sabah Shamki

University of Baghdad / College of Languages


Keywords: spoken Hebrew, Hebrew phonology, Hebrew morphology


In Hebrew culture, there is a tendency to view spoken language with suspicion. There are those who diagnose "slang" as the speech of those who are uneducated. This relationship expresses a polar approach to language, a tendency to divide it into two parts. The standard (super level) written language is the legitimate unit and the language of speach they strive to correct. A large part of slang predominates in colloquial Hebrew speech, uttered with good will, being constructed from the spontaneity of conversation, without planning or editing. While another part gets created consciously and deliberately, for the sake of pleasure that expresses the human nature of renewal, recovery and rebellion. We also find that the normative approach has dominated the Hebrew culture, which dealt with written sources as the only legitimate language, while ignoring the spoken language. This conservative approach is the reason for not studying the spoken language for many years, which means that there will be no documentation and recording of this language in the early years of the establishment of the Zionist entity in Palestine. The development of language is considered one of the greatest achievements of the Zionist movement. In the early years of the Hebrew language revival, the Hebrew language revivers did not differentiate between written and spoken language, and believed that deviations in speech would be corrected when they were able to master the language just as misspellings. Today, the spoken language has priority in Hebrew linguistic research, because of its historical precedence, and there is a clear distinction between languages that stems from the different nature of each medium.


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