Verbs of movements in Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic languages, a comparative study in Semitic languages

Safiya Shakir Mahmood

Baghdad University / College of Languages


Keywords: verbs of motion, verbs of motion in Semitic language, verbs of location, comparative research in Semitic languages, the semantic role of verbs of motion, the syntactic role of verbs of motion


This study is entitled “Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic verbs of motion: a comparative study in Semitic languages (in syntax and semantics)” examines the definition, classification, grammatical and semantic roles of Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic verbs of motion. The study also highlights the agreement and the differences between the three languages, especially in relation to their verbs. The study begins by presenting comprehensive definition of verbs of motion in Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic it delves into the various aspects of these verbs, including their syntactic and semantic characteristics then it discusses the classification of these verbs, highlighting the various categories it can be grouped into based on their specific characteristics and usage patterns. in addition,  the study examines the grammatical and semantic roles of verbs of motion in those languages. It examines how these movements within sentences contribute to the overall meaning and structure of the language. The study analyzes the syntactic and semantic characteristics of these verbs, and sheds light on their role expressing movement, direction and other related concepts. In addition to discussing the points of similarity and agreement between the verbs of movement in Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic, the study also highlights the differences between the three languages, especially in relation to their verbs of movement. It examines how these differences are expressed in terms of grammatical structure, semantic nuances, and usage patterns. Overall this study provides a comprehensive analysis of verbs of movement in Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic. It offers a detailed examination of their definition, classification and grammatical and semantic roles in both language by highlighting the points of agreement and differences in relation to verbs of motion, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of the linguistic characteristics of Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic.


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