Reading and receiving in Al-Mutanabbi’s meme (An applied analytical study)

Khawla Hassan Younis

College of Arts/Al-Mustansiriya University


Keywords: double opposition, parallelism, reading and interpretation


What draws attention is the multiplicity of critical readings of Al-Mutanabbi’s poem (And the Warmest of His Two Hearts), which touches the hearts of hearts across different literary eras. Therefore, I wanted to focus on applying the theory of reading and interpretation to this poem, starting from the three axes of the theory, which are in order:

 The first reading of the text is the reading of the admiring reader. Then, the important stage is the stage of the critical reader of the text, which is called the moment of interpretation, which determines the areas of beauty and creativity in the text, moving to the last moment in which the basic meaning that the poet sought becomes clear, through the historical introspection of the text, which is called Modern critics consider the stage of understanding, which is closely linked to the second stage in our mathematical and psychological analysis of the text, starting from the text itself through two prominent phenomena in it: double opposition and parallelism, passing through the critics who tried to internalize this text secondly, especially the study of Dr. Abdul Salam Al-Masdi (Readings with... Al-Shabi, Al-Mutanabbi, Al-Jahiz, and Ibn Khaldun), and the study of Dr. Abdul Hadi Khudair Nishan (theoretical readings in Al-Mutanabbi’s poetry), and from God, success.


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