The transition of meaning from the concrete to the abstract in the book Al-Mufradat fi Ghareeb Al-Qur’an by Al-Raghib Al-Isfahani (d. 502 AH)

Saad Ali Rashid

Tikrit University – college of Education for Humanities


Keywords: transmission, connotation, sensory, abstract, vocabulary


Our research deals with the topic (the transfer of meaning from the concrete to the abstract), distributed among the sections on semantics in the book Al-Mufradat fi Ghareeb Al-Qur’an by Al-Raghib Al-Isfahani (d. 502 AH), which is one of the most prominent linguistic works concerned with the origins of words, especially the Qur’anic ones.

The research has shown that Al-Raghib often focused on the meaning of words and traced the development that occurred in them while pointing to their manifestations, including that he attributed many abstract mental meanings to sensory origins, while revealing the origins of Quranic words.

This indicates that ancient linguists have contributed to and founded research on modern semantics, and that they are aware of what modern linguistics has decided that the sensory is prior to the existence of the abstract mental, and that the sensory is its origin, and this is what we tried to find out and confirm in this study by monitoring its examples. In an old linguistic book.


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