Foundations of the meaning of the root of the verb (incomplete action)
Khamees Abdulsattar Awad
Ministry of Education –General Directorate of Education in Salah Al-DDin Department of Education/Samarra
Keywords: корня глагола, Основы смысла, неполной формы
We must know in this introduction from our modest research and before continuing our study, what is the meaning of the root in the Russian sentences. Here we can define the root, as it is the main part of the verb from which the meaning of the verb is derived.
Therefore, it is a very important part of the verb, and the root can also be considered to be (morpheme).
Here we present the linguists’ definition of the verb root, which is the part from which the form of the word (the verb) is extracted, and this means that the root: is what creates the verb form and from it the verb (incomplete action), and thus it is what constitutes the verb and its meaning in the context of the sentence.
It should be noted that in the Russian language we cannot find a verb without a root, and this is a well-established linguistic fact in many languages. And according to the rules of the Russian language, we can say that the meaning of the verb is primarily associated with the root.
In other words, the verb root and from it the verb (incomplete action) contain the meaning of the verb, in addition to being its main component.
There are words and actions that have a specific root. This root indicates its meaning for other words and meanings: for example, the word (white) and the verb (to whiten) indicate at the same time the meaning of (snow white). And the word (black) and the verb (black) are associated with the meaning and concept of the word (coal).
Since we are talking about the root of the verb, the reader has a question, how do we find the root? Answer: The root exists in two ways:
- Detect words and verbs consisting of the same root.
- Find words and verbs that have common parts of letters.
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