The Use of The Mask in Yeats’s Poetry

Ali Assi Hussein

Tikrit University/ College of Physical Education & Sports Sciences


Keywords: Anti-self, Persona, Politics, Rhymers, Style


This paper aims to identify the use of the mask in Yeats's poetry shedding light on three poems written in the period (1910-1933). The researcher uses the literary analysis methodology to achieve the objective of the paper. The paper consists of three sections; the first gives an introduction and summarizes the poetic changes through the poet’s life, especially the social and political effects upon his psychology and literary works. The second discusses the use of the mask or anti-self-technique in the latest poems of Yeats and summons up the mask and some historical views about it. The third section concludes several points including that the mask technique is a part of the poet’s life due to his psychological state of mind and how it affects his matured poetic life.



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