Abbasid Poetry in Abu Tammam’s Enthusiasm (Selections of Abu Tammam )

Raeed Hazim Hasan

Tikrit University/ College of Arts


Keywords: Abu Tammam, Abbasid poetry, art picture, old literature, poetic choices, poetry of enthusiasm


This study,entitled “Abbasid Poetry in The Enthusiasm of Abu Tammam”, aims to identify Abu Tammam’s selections of poetic extracts for a variety of poets of his time in the divan of enthusiasm. It also aimed to determine the frequency of Abbasid poetry in enthusiasm. To achieve the research objective, a descriptive inductive approach to investigating the phenomenon and describing it precisely has been adopted.

This study has been divided into an introduction and three sections; the first section is entitled: Defining Abu Tammam,the second section highlights enthusiasm, and the third section is entitled: Abu Tammam's selections of poets of the Abbasid era.

The study comes to conclude that Abu Tammam was the first who used the word enthusiasm, and that was with his poetic selections for a large number of poets from the ages of the pre-Islamic, the Umayyad, and the Abbasid. His Selections of poets of the Abbasid era did not include all chapters. There are no selections of Abbasid poets in the parts of Narratives, Sleepiness and Good Things, which may indicate that  his selection of a variety of extracts are characterized by depth of meaning. Highly sophisticated and intensified language. Abu Tammam's selections of Abbasid poetry were few compared to his selections of poets of the pre-Islamic and Umayyad era. Furthermore, It was found that Abu Tammam did not include any politic extracts for the two poets of Abu Nawwas and Bashshar bin Bord even though they are two famous Abbasid poets and have a prominent status. The study concludes that more research is needed to investigate more selections in the Abbasid poetry like Al-Bohturi’s selections.


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