A Reading of Cultural Patterns From the Perspective of Cultural Criticism In the Poet of Last Adam, Dr.Arif Al-Saadi

Shahrazad Shihab Ahmed

Ministry of Education General directorate of Salahaldeen Education

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/Lang.8.4.2

Keywords: Cultural pattern, Cultural Critisizm, Hidden theme, Identity, Sovereign


Every literary text has an implicit pattern, which does not appear easily, but through the critical experiences and practices that are formed by the recipient, through which he arrives at the cultural pattern that the writer is trying to show indirectly, and the creative and intelligent critic is the one who forms an image of this pattern, such as the pattern Identity, domination, sovereignty, exclusion of others, and others. These patterns are reinforced for the creator through his experiences in his environment, and they are a social-cultural storehouse of popular, ideological, and heritage customs and heritage. He was inspired by the customs and traditions of his society, and reveals them to us through cultural pattern.


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