Wisdom and courage in the poetry of Ibn al-Dahan al-Mawsili (Died - 581 A.H.)

Duha Nouri Faisal

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Human Sciences

Naglaa Abdel Hussein AliWi Al- Mohammadawi

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Human Sciences

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/Lang.8.3.3

Keywords: wisdom, trust, Saladin Al-Ayoubi, The image is poetic


Wisdom poetry is considered the poetry of an era that contains wisdom, sermons, and wise guidance. It aims to inspire readers with valuable benefits for them in this life. Wisdom poetry can be in the form of short verses or long poems as wisdom poetry is also famous for expressing wisdom and wise guidance in a beautiful and inspiring way. According to Ibn al-Dahan al-Mawsili, poetry is characterized by a spirit of adventure, courage, and challenge. Passing through the path of strength and steadfastness in the face of the challenges and difficult situations that Mudouhih lived through, Bin Al-Dahan Al-Waldi is considered one of the first people who were good at expressing the two types of poetry with skill and inspiration.


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