Assessing the Quality of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Expository Writing for EFL University Students

Batool Assim Hameed

Tikrit University


Keywords: Assessing, Quality, Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency, EFL university Students, Writing


    This study is concerned with assessing the quality of complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in expository writing. It aims at identifying and comparing:

  1. The quality of writing expository composition for EFL university students at the department of English, colleges of Education for humanities at Tikrit and Baghdad\ Ibn - Rushd universities.
  2. EFL university students' quality of writing expository composition in the light of the three principal dimensions: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency at the two universities.

    The aims are achieved by applying a diagnostic test to 185 undergraduate EFL students, in the third year, English Departments, Colleges of Education for humanities, at Tikrit and Baghdad Universities. The study has conducted during the second semester of the academic year 2022-2023. The results have revealed that EFL university students have a low quality of writing in the three specified dimensions: complexity, accuracy and fluency. In the light of the results, some conclusions and recommendations have been presented.


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