Linguistic Impoliteness, and Reputation and Personality in Kurdish Language

Rokan Abdullah Mohammed

Kurdish language, College of Basic Education, University of Garmian


Keywords: Linguistic Impoliteness, linguistic social taboos, reputation and personality, sociolinguistics, language communication


    This paper entitled “Linguistic Impoliteness, and Reputation and Personality in Kurdish Language” mentions a negative aspect of using the Kurdish language through unethical language usage and linguistic impoliteness by the people who have reputations in Kurdish society and use language in a wrong way that cannot correlate with their personality and reputation. This study discusses those speeches and writings that embody impoliteness of language. Then, the methods and means of spreading this phenomenon and its reasons are discussed with the analysis of this phenomenon in the field of sociolinguistics. Later, this phenomenon is indicated in those who have reputations in Kurdish society mentioning its negative impact on the Kurdish official language and the people’s reputations. Eventually, recommendations and solutions for this phenomenon are presented. This study is related to the field of sociolinguistics which is related to applied linguistics, and it is conducted through the method of descriptive analysis.


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