The Artistic Image of Abu Qais bin Al-Asalt

Wasam Jaafar Mahdi

Faculty of Basic Education/ Diyala University


Keywords: artistic image, poetic image, rhetorical and critical image


The poetic image is the mainstay and substance of poetry. The poet draws it from his experiences, culture, and inventory. Through it, the poet expresses his thoughts and meanings. It is the poet’s means of embodying the idea and the emotion at the same time. The poetic image takes multiple forms, sometimes in the form of rhetorical images, such as an analogy with his methods and tools known to him. Rhetoricians, and at other times it is like metaphor and metonymy. Abu Qais’s poems included different types of poetic images, but the most successful was the simile. The poetic image is an important part of the poet’s emotional experience, in which the poet’s artistic and aesthetic ability is demonstrated. The elements of sound, meaning, and color are involved in drawing it, as well as movement, imagination, and beauty. In it, the poet shows his creative ability to draw the most beautiful artistic paintings in the form of poetic verses. Speech is the poet’s means of expressing Meanings and what is hidden in their chests, and then the quality and strength of poetry appear, and if meter is the most prominent characteristic of poetry and the poetic image and is an inevitable result of depicting emotion, then the poet is that creator who depicts for us emotion and imagination in his artistic form with that poetic image that he chooses.


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