REACT MODEL and Teaching the Area of English Literature Focus

Zainab Amer Abd-Aljabar

College of Education / University of Tikrit

Nahida Taha Majeed

College of Education / University of Tikrit


Keywords: REACT Model, Teaching, Literature, Activity, Learning


The REACT methodology has been used to teach literary works in English. Students should be able to apply new knowledge and abilities to real-world circumstances, discuss and exchange information (work in pairs) in order to address problematic issues as a result of teaching. This methodology is intended to aid students in evaluating their prior knowledge and, as a result, improve their ability to comprehend the text at hand. Learning about English through literature is a common goal of English language education. It gives students a better understanding of the societal and political context of the target language society, as well as how a particular community communicates. This study highlights the significance of employing the REACT approach while educating students about literature. In other words, there are two parts to it: information on the REACT paradigm, and information on literature. In the end, the researcher reaches some findings.


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