Story (Collect Hailstones) With reference to Goldmanns Genetic structuralism
Shno Ahmed Ghafour
Kirkuk university – college of education
Keywords: formative structuralism, understanding and interpretation, meaningful structure, worldview
Pre-structural critical approaches sought to exclude the text from their fields of study, contenting themselves with making it a document that serves its historical, social, psychological and other goals. After that, the pioneers of structuralism focused in their beginnings on the inside of the text, trying to realize how the linguistic structures are interconnected, ignoring the internal structure of the text. Goldmanian structuralism presented itself as an alternative to formal structuralism. Goldman was inspired by sociological and philosophical ideas and reformulated them in line with his dialectical Marxist thought. Formative structuralism is based on revealing the relationship between the mentality of a particular social group and the overall structure of the literary work. In this research, we will try, based on the formative structuralism approach, in two main chapters, to answer what the concepts of formative structuralism are, and how and when did formative structuralism appear. As for the second chapter, the Goldmanian formative constructivism approach was applied in the story (Collect Hailstones) by (Mohsen Ahmed Omar). Analysis and interpretation of the parts of the story according to the Goldmannian method.