Investigating the Effect of FLIP/LIP Teaching Model on Iraqi Preparatory Pupils’ Achievement

Madeha Saifaddin Saleh

Nuha Thabet Nua’man Collage of Education for Women, Tikrit University


Keywords: -models -Skills -pupils -Groups


In the English language there are many models of the teaching English language,
Flip teaching model one of the modern models. The current study aims at investigating to which
extent the flip teaching model effected on the achievement of Iraqi preparatory pupils. To succeed
the study and to fulfill its aims, hypotheses are posed as the following:
1. There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental groups
pupils whom are taught according to flipped teaching model and the control groups pupils whom are
taught according to lipped teaching model.
2. There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental groups
in the pre-test and their scores mean in the post-test
3. There are no statistically significant differences among Iraqi preparatory pupils‟ achievement
according to their field of specialization.To achieve the aims and verify the hypotheses, the researchers
have adopted a number of procedures as the following: Presenting a theoretical background of the flip
teaching model as well as lip teaching model. Selecting randomly samples of Iraqi preparatory pupils as
subjects for conducting A written pretest has been conducted and presented for both groups to assess
the pupils' achievement in reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
1. The experimental group has been exposed to the flip teaching model.
2. Both groups are exposed to a post-test to find out whether the flip teaching model have
any role on pupils' achievement in English learning skills.
3. Data of the post-test and results have been presented, and have been analyzed on the basis
of which conclusions and recommendations have been give
The sample of the current study consists of (88) pupils derived from four sections chosen
from „Maysaloon Preparatory School for Girls‟.
The fifth stage consists of four sections; section (A) randomly selected to be the
experimental/ Scientific group, section (B) has randomly chosen to be the experimental / Literary group,
section (C) has randomly chosen to be the control / Scientific group, and section (D) has randomly
chosen to be the control / Literary group. Each section consists of (22) pupils.
To analyze the obtained data, different statistical methods have been used, namely One- Way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Scheffe Test, weighted mean and Percentiles mean to measure the
pupils‟ posttest achievement.