The Redundant (min) and Its Effect on the Generic Reference: A Study of Al-Aaraf Sura

Sahira Hamada Salim

Tikrit University, College of Islamic Sciences


Keywords: The redundant (min), Generic peferenlly, Generic meaning


This research dims at proving an important syntactic and jurisprudent rule which occurs in many verses ( Ayas ) in The Glorious Quraan. This rule is based on the idea that when the redundant preposition ( min ) occurs before an indefinite in the context of negation or a similar one it has a definite denotation to a generic reference and the commonness of gender. This phenomenon has been studied and applied to some of AL-Asraf Sura. This study is composed of three sections. Section one is pre ceded by an introduction. It deals with the concept of redundant prepositions, redundant ( min ), its conditions, generic reference concept and the effect. Section two is devoted to the practical part of the study. Section three presents the most important conclusions of the study.