The Mystical Religious Dimension in the Poetry of Adeeb Kamaluddin: A Study in the Fourth Volume of the Complete Poetical Works

Maolod Mar'i Al-Wayyis

College of Basic Education / Sharqat - Tikrit University


Keywords: mystical poetry, poetry, letters, material, spiritual


The poetry of the Iraqi poet Adeeb Kamaluddin is distinguished by tending towards a religious atmosphere of a mystical nature, but it is a modern mysticism that tries to invest the symbolic religious energies in the language to create a special qualitative poetic experience, and perhaps his experience with Arabic letters stands at the forefront of his poetic experiences in this field. This paper is an attempt to explore the layers of this experience in the fourth volume of the poet’s Complete Poetical Works as this volume is rich with a great creative experience in the mystical religious field. The study tries to select poems in which this vision is reflected at its best though all the poems tend to be similar in their structure at the level of language, image, structure and rhythm, and at the level of semiotics, symbol, expression and formation.