Realism of Details in the Poetry of the Seventies: The Poet Ra’ad Abdul-Qadir as Example

Anwar Jassim Mutlak

Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Arts


Keywords: Realism of Details, Poetry, Poet, Ra’ad Abdul-Qadir


The critical writings did not pay much attention to the poem of fine details in modern poetry except in some recent studies that were partially concerned with some poems, and I found in this study that post-1960s poets paid attention to reality and monitored it and worked to condemn and refute it. The Iraqi poet Ra’ad Abdul-Qadir (1953 - 2003) One of the most important poets who paid attention to the small details in their poems, and this study reveals to us the poet’s relationship with the details of reality and contains aspects of what is expected of him and marginalized in life, and is combined with a keen cultural structure.