Translating Proverb-Like Rhetorical Quranic Structures into English

Anwar Abdulwahab Jasim

University of Mosul. College of Arts. Department of Translation

Zainab Fahmi Ahmed

University of Mosul. College of Arts. Department of Translation


Keywords: Proverb-like structures, Rhetoric, Glorious Quran, Translation


Translating Proverb -like structures in the Glorious Quran is considered a difficult task because translators need to reproduce the words of Allah as accurately and faithfully as possible. The current study aims at analyzing the proverb - like structures in the Glorious Quran and their translations rhetorically. It is hypothesized that the proverb - like structures cannot be realized semantically without referring to the linguistic context and the reasons of revelation in the Quran exegesis books to realize the rhetorical and linguistic features. The study conludes that translators can convey the meaning appropriately, but they cannot produce the power of the rhetorical structures of the Glorious Quran since its language is a miracle. The study can be useful to specialists in Quran translation and non-Arab Quran learners.