The Cognitive Communication between the Grammatical and Fundamentalist Lessons Al-Kawkab Al-Durri by Al-Esnawi (772 A.H. ) as a Model
Hadeel Abdul-Haleem Dawoud
College of Education for Women- Mosul University
Kareem Thanoon Dawood
College of Education for Women - Mosul University
Keywords: the influence, ingredients, grammar, Aldari
The communication among sciences is considered a method of sustaining the scientific movement at the modern and ancient times . The fruits of this communication are reflected on many issues illustratively and understandingly . And, the communication between grammar and its origins and jurisprudence and its origins was and still is an important aspect of sciences reaction and integrity .The Holy Quran and the Prophetic tradition , the main sources of Islamic legislation , were a cause of establishing the linguistic sciences as grammar, morphology, rhetoric and dictionaries as well as they were a cause of establishing the Islamic law sciences like : doctrine, interpretation, and jurisprudence with its origins . Syntax was of the most important sciences for it is the most correlated to the Islamic jurisprudence and is considered a term to access the diligence rank in jurisprudence . The relationship between grammar and jurisprudence is based on affecting and being affected . The book ( Al-Kawkab Al-Durri fi ma yatakharraj ala al-Usoul al-Nahaweya min al-Fouroua’ al-faqheya ) by Imam Jamal-addin Al-Esnawi ( 772 A.H.) had a favour in revealing the great aspect of this relationship that we will attempt to examine its components and occurrences .