The novelistic construction, a reading of the novel Sadda Makhoul by Ibrahim Hassan Nasser
Ramadhan Ali Abood
Salah al-Din Education Directorate-Sharqat Education Department
Keywords: Fictional universe, elements, event and character, time and place
The research delves into a study of the authorship in the novel “Sadda Makhool”. It starts from an artistic viewpoint indicating that the narrative universe is based on the artistic elements, which construct the narrative structure (action, character, time, and place). The study resorts to approach each one of those elements, reveals the richness and the important role to enrich the narrative universe and how the activities of those elements contrast from work to another. The action materializes and shows up the narrative temperament through which characters vie and conflict throughout the place and time that could be changed according to the narrative ambition that writer attempts to achieve.