The Image of the Woman in Harold Pinter's The Birthday Party

Ansam Riyadh Abdullah Almaaroof

Tikrit University- College of Education for Women

Nisreen Fadhil Isa

Tikrit University- College of Education for Women


Keywords: The Birthday Party, Comedy of Menace, Harold Pinter, Women, Feminism


The Birthday Party (1957) by Harold Pinter vividly depicts the reality of the modern woman, with a straightforward breakdown in communication among some of the characters. Pinter makes every effort to portray this truth throughout this piece. He speaks with many pauses and silences, implying that language isn't as crucial to modern women as it once was. The power of silence, according to Pinter, is greater than that of speech. As a result, Pinter's plays have long and brief pauses. The drama is about the degeneration of human beings and the dying process. The paper follows feminism as a critical theory. It hypothesizes that Pinter is a feminist playwright who criticizes society for the improper portrayal f woman.