Syntagmatic-Paradigmatic Relations in Charles Dickens` Hard Times

Nazeeha Khalaf Madlool

Minstery of Education


Keywords: Dickens, Hard Times and syntagmatic - paradigmatic relation, Stephen Blackpool, utilitarianism


This research will be examined De Saussure`s syntagmatic-paradigmatic relations On Charles Dickens` Hard Times. Dickens in this novel uses a character and episodes that stand in paradigmatic relation to him and his surrounded society. A character turns to be a carrier of his views and philosophyand conveys many autobiographical events from his actual life. Besides, he depicts personal attitudes to be presented as events in the novel. Thus, the novel shows a literary substitution of a character as well as events with Dickens` real life. This seems a fertile arena to study a paradigmatic relation. At the same time, linear relation can be applied between characters and actions to have a horizontal reflection besides the vertical one.