Exploration of Malady and Trepidation in Bird Box: A Psychoanalytic Study

Jwan Adil Mohammed

Department of English, College of Education, Kalar, Garmian University

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/jls.6.2.3

Keywords: Malady, Regression, Trepidation, Anxiety, Unconsciousness


This study confronts the dichotomies of exploring psychoanalytical theory in the novel Bird Box. It is conducted by using qualitative methods of research. The theoretical framework of psychoanalysis put forward by Sigmund Freud provides a concrete base for this study. The research work scrutinizes data through the theoretical lens of psychoanalysis and false societal perceptions. It examines the malignant after-effect of anxiety by observing that this anxiety is orchestrating the origination of some anxiety disorders among the people. The aim of the study is to analyze the origination, sources, and aftermath of malady and trepidation on the main protagonist Malorie and the inhabitants of River bridge. Additionally, the study explores and sensitively tackles the multiple facts of psychoanalysis along a metaphorical path that submerged into the depths of ignorance as forced behavior. Finally, it digs out that regression, repression, and rationalization are some of these defense mechanisms that govern the unconscious of these people which finds an expression through their conscious actions. The study ends up with a concise conclusion, followed by the list of references.