Greeting strategy in the speech of the Duhok Region Sociolinguistic research
Dilveen Miqdad Ahmed
Dohuk University
Dara Hamid Muhammad
Garmian University
Keywords: strategy, greeting, speech, social relations, form
Linguistics in this era have proven that people use the Language only in the exchanging information and yet the Language users working on approving appropriate delivery strategy to the parties and the existing environment, in which verbal exchange is approved or the difficulty of generalizing all differences that exist between languages in all cultures, for instance, peace cultures are not the same. This research is entitled, The greeting strategy in the speech of people of Duhok. A Linguistic social research that works on the role of salutation as a social, cultural and human expression, where there are styles and various strategies are distinguished according to the variety, while fulfilling the duty of demonstrating and establishing a spirit of cooperation, sleep and trust among people.