Stages of reinvigoration in Kurdish and Persian poetry

Osman Abdool Maruf

University of Sulaimani

Muhamad Amien Muhamad

University of Sulaimani


Keywords: history, poetry, nation, time, place


Every national literature has its own distinctions and characteristics that distinguish it from other literatures, despite the convergence of some literature from each other by virtue of several factors, including political, geographical, military and historical. However, they retain their national specificity, and here we must point out an important point, which is the influence of each other by virtue of the factors we mentioned above, but this does not mean that they walk in a balanced line in the stages of their development and renewal, and this applies to Kurdish and Persian literature, but both have their national characteristics that distinguish them from the other. Kurdish literature has gone through different stages of stagnation, rise, development, and so literature. Persian has its own provisions and circumstances. Both writers felt the need for renewal, development and advancement at a sensitive stage of the history of their nation, and so Kurdish and Persian writers felt the need to do hard work for renewal and modernization.