The Use of Symbolism in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea

Hasan Salih Hamad

University of Tikrit, College of Arts, Department of Translation


Keywords: Symbolism Santiago The marlin The Shark The sea


Symbolism is one of the important features in literature. Some students think it is not important, that's why this is considered the problem of this study. The current study aims at showing to which extent symbolism can add something to the meaning. The procedure followed in this study is a questionnaire method to find out the percentage of the degree of agreement of symbolism in ‘‘Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea’’. This study includes a historical review of symbolism and also discusses some theories of symbolism. then, the study discusses nine symbols in Hemingway's The Old Man And The Sea. the aim of the study has been achieved and the study came out with some conclusions and results after using a statistical method to compute the students' agreement, the method in use is called percentage weight. The statistics are as follows: The degree of agreement ‘‘agree’’ is used 30 times which represents 33.3% of the whole percentage of the questionnaire, while the degree of agreement ‘‘strongly agree’’ is used 21 times which equals 23.3% of the whole percentage. The degree of agreement ‘‘sometimes agree’’ is used 10 times which is 11.2% of the whole questionnaire. Whereas, ‘‘disagree’’ is used 25 times which represents 27.8% of the questionnaire, while
‘‘strongly disagree’’ is used 4 times and represents 4.4%.