A Translational Analysis of Tony Blair's Political Texts

Athraa Mohammed Saleh

University of Samarra

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/Lang.9.1.15

Keywords: translation, political texts, semantic translation, communicative translation, source text and target text


A large number of learners and researchers have no idea how political texts are analysed in terms of semantic and communicative translation with showing good results due to several strategies. The study aims at describing the translational analysis that contribute to the understanding of source text as a main tool to convey the main thoughts and ideologies in the political source speech, and explaining how to help the translator in producing target text. The study uses a qualitative analysis based on Newmark’s translational model with reference to its semantic and communicative aspects. A selected political texts of Tony Blair (the prime minister of Great Britain at that time) is taken into consideration within the period of power. The translation of these political texts is varied in terms of receivers and the semantics of the political speech plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and international perceptions of the UK's stance on the international issues, in terms of communicative translation analysis, the researcher announces that the Arabic language version of these utterances have been received differently by Arab audiences due to cultural and linguistic differences. The study recommends that translators and researchers must comprehend deeply the sociocultural contexts of both authentic and target mother tongues, they should concentrate on recognising and processing contextual variations to maintain suitable translations, they should think of employing mixed processes as integrating literal translation with modulation or adaptation can balance structural precision with cultural relevance.


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