Reflexive Assessment in Teaching

Israa Burhanuddin Abdurrahman

Tikrit University/ College of Education for Women


Keywords: Reflexive, Assessment, Teaching, Questionnaire


This study examines the topic of Reflexive Assessment in Teaching and presents the results of a questionnaire administered to fourth-year students in the Department of English at the College of Education for Women, Tikrit University, upon their return from the application period in secondary schools. The aim of the study is to explore students' perceptions and experiences regarding the use of reflexive assessment strategies in the teaching and learning process, specifically in the context of their practical application in secondary schools. The questionnaire, specifically designed for this study, focuses on students' reflections on their learning experiences during the application period, their self-assessment practices, and the impact of reflexive assessment on their academic development. The findings provide valuable insights into students' understanding and engagement with reflexive assessment, highlighting its effectiveness in fostering self-awareness, critical thinking, and metacognitive skills among English language learners in real-world teaching settings. The study contributes to the existing literature on assessment practices in education, particularly in the context of English language teaching, by emphasizing the importance of reflexive assessment during practical applications in secondary schools. The findings also offer practical implications for educators by suggesting ways to integrate reflexive assessment strategies into their teaching practices, thereby enhancing students' learning experiences and promoting their professional growth as future teachers.


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